How can I obtain sulfur from plants?

Hi /u/Aussify,

I'm afraid that none of the other answers offered you are correct and reflect the popular (and misguided) Albertus tradition. As it appears to me that you are just starting out, I would like to help you avoid some unnecessary time and expense chasing a dead end. The old terms were chosen to mislead and they are still successful.

The whole Art is concerned with the production of Sulphur. It is the Key to our Art.

The Vegetable Sulphur of Nature, Our Sulphur, is not the essential oil of the plant, though it true that the essential oil does constitute a portion of the crude Sulphur.

Our Sulphur is the masculine sperm, the body, the ferment, the poison, the flower of Gold, the tincture and the form. It is oily, though it is not a salt that most men will ever see. That which they see is crude Sulphur, which is not the same as common sulphur, the kind found on the periodic table, which I am sure you know.

Crude Sulphur is trapped in the infernal prison house of Saturn. Salt keeps it in bonds. Whoever releases him from prison is given his blood as a Medicine. When he is released, put to death and revived by its opposite, he can be sublimated. Then it is known as Our Sulphur of Nature. It is burned with incombustible Sulphur and washed. When he marries his sister, they become the key, and then they can be quickened with Sulphur.

Does any of this sound like essential oil?

So I would advise against buying the equipment for what you propose. If you would like to experiment with essential oil, then it would be far cheaper to purchase some on Amazon.

Perhaps if you find his sister, she will lead you to him.

/r/alchemy Thread