How can one be Libertarian yet advocate for a ban on "assault weapons"

How do you realistically enforce gun control in one city when its surrounded surrounded by the rest of the guns flowing through the US?

Its ignorant to think that with the gun problem in Chicago, that a city would not enact gun control laws. Do you expect them to NOT attempt to do something?

HK? If they had 2A in HK, it would be a very short war. With the Chinese govt doing a wholesale slaughter of everybody and shipping thousands off to camps in the desert.

Or other countries have to jump in to stop the Chinese and they exchange military gun fire with China.

Or the Chinese govt comes to their senses and backs off because HK is a major world financial center.

What a great thing that would be! A WAR! People getting killed is always better than people not getting killed.

The people in HK are in a tough spot. But not having a shooting war is what has probably kept them alive for so long. That and so far there is no media blackout.

But people are dying in the US...from guns. We have our own war here to deal with.

/r/Libertarian Thread Parent