How can you know you’re poly?

Since this is text format communication you cant actually prescribe a tone or attitude to my words unless they are explicity words that carry a negative connotation, like if I said bitch, for example that is inherently rude to say to a person.

How do you know my comment of the internet wasnt confusion? Which it was, because I was confused, but I stead of asking me to clarify you decided to prescribe your own percieved attitude onto words that have no attitude.

So I'm not being rude no, I'm being inquisitive. And I suggest you do your own research because I strongly believe that teaching yourself to find information on your own will always be valuable than doing nothing and expecting people to do it for you. I got my knowledge from going to university. It would just as easy for you to do your own research as it would for me to go through years of education looking for the specific data points and research that I learned when I learned it.

Whether you decide to move past your mistaken belief of my rudeness is up to you, but I'll answer you question now.

Love has nothing to do with polyamory and monogamy in that they arent qualifying factor for them. The point is that what makes polyamory polyamory, is that is requires multiple relationships, what makes monogamy monogamy is it requires only one relationship. Those relationships have to intertwine lives beyond the traditional form of platonic friendship to qualify. But to suggest they have to be romantic is a disservice to Aromantic people.

So when I say that monogamy and polyamory arent about love in the context of what you said about love, I am referring to the fact that poly and mono are simply choices of relationship styles.

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