How can I retaliate against my therapist for totally fucking up the last session?

I will not cancel the next session. I should not need to get through this. She totally fucked up. Mistakes have consequences.

Make a mistake on a test? Points off, lower grade. Make a mistake driving? Ticket, crash, or death. Make a mistake as a doctor? Patient dies or suffers a lot of harm.

Why should she not get any consequences? If I cancel, she won't face any consequences. That's not fair. I suffered a lot of consequences, and if I cancel, she gets to fuck up without anything happening to her. Even if I went to a different therapist, she doesn't suffer any consequences.

I don't care about destroying my life, and I didn't say that I wanted to kill her. I even made a point to say that I wanted her FAMILY to suffer. Her husband or wife and her kid.

I'm not humiliated and I am not sad. I'm pissed at this bitch for fucking up so badly.

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