How can I route ALL traffic through a proxy via wifi on an Android phone?

Only someone that's Perked before wouldn't ask themselves "what the fuck is this guy trying to do with 50 phones?!" :)

I've been running 50 phones across two internet lines for a while and they finally got me. I think it was my fault though - I'm thinking I must have cashed out the wrong account from the wrong internet connection for them to catch and ban both at the same time - 1st world problems...

So yeah, I've reset my my IPs to give it another go and wanting to use proxies this time. I figure if each phone appears separate from any other, I should be able to fly under the radar and never catch an account verification request or tax form.

Perk has gotten so unstable though and the earnings cut so badly, I thought paying for private proxies might allow for some greater shenanigans with some other beer money apps. Getting away with 50 instances of swagbucks should pull in a decent amount of beermoney - I may even be able to get a keg! ;)

I'm pretty technical and can almost always sort things out for myself but currently, I don't know much about networking beyond basics and keep running into walls because every thing I read about proxies supposes you want to set it up on your computer.

When you look for android specific proxy information everything leads to apps which users report as being hit and miss at best or rerouting you 3/4G to a private server for tunneling or encryption.

So I'm at a bit of a loss as for as getting it done for my purposes. I'm hoping you might be inclined share your wisdom and experiences. I've got this question across a dozen subs and forums and have yet to get an relevant response asides from yours.

You would be my hero if you could give me an eli5 at your convenience.

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