How can I stop being jealous of my boyfriend's female friends?

I understand that male can have female friends but considering the fact that he has done things with her beyond a friendship level, it is a bit discomforting on your end. I think that’s totally normal. I understand you trust him but even with trust there are certain things that are just disrespectful or etc. Now if this personally bothers you i don’t see the problem in his not talking to her on a daily? I guess he can make it clear to whoever that he doesn’t have time to invest on keeping in contact. He can still be friends but i think if it’s personally bothering you to a point where you are paranoid, which can harm the relationship, that he should understand and have no problem not contacting them so often. My advice is you set aside a time to talk to him about it and how it makes you feel because then he’d be putting another girls feeling over yours ...

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