How can I wait for run_until_complete to finish?

I'm not extremely well versed with python syntax, I came from C# and was asked to do AutoHotKey and then on day 1 it was Python. So 6 months later here I am, I have to go go go in a language I didn't know and so to some degree I am a victim of that. I only recently learned how to use things like **kwargs (and that made a lot of things fall into place) and I am only just now trying to tackle async which is a huge need for me and a problem far beyond my knowledge because I only understand the basics of futures/promises, and only that from having done a single NodeJS project long ago. So I am here on reddit at 8 pm on a friday night banging away at this problem because...

...the most powerful learning tool for me in my world is a functioning example in my own context. If I can just make it work in a very basic way, I can start using more and more of it and that's how I've gained every bit of Python knowledge I have. /lifestory

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