How to catch up after 5 years of a stunted social life in uni and not be an autistic engineer stereotype?

Holy fuck this could have been written 100% by me or my buddy

Same as you except I'm actually autistic. Didn't go out much during uni because of study, internships, extracurriculars and all that shit

I'm taking a gap year this year to catch up on the social aspect I missed out on

I always wanted to take business courses or psychology or some shit with more chicks, but the chicks at my university all look horrendous anyway

I used meetup to go to random pubcrawling events with my one highschool buddy, and I guess my social life kickstarted itself after randomly bumping into a chick I vibed well with, who introduced me to her other friends, who in turn introduced me to their other friends...etc..It's about putting yourself out there

Atleast you're self-reflective enough to know how shit you are. That's far ahead of most people

/r/LifeAfterSchool Thread