How do you commit to one woman for the rest of your life? Do people really mean it when they say it?

Early 30s, currently struggling with this. I am committed to my wife, she is my life partner and best friend, I don’t want that to ever change. We’ve been together well over a decade off and on so we have grown together and moulded to each other. Sure I could nitpick some negative things in our relationship to “justify” cheating but it would just be bullshit, plus I don’t want that. I/we are extremely lucky to have what we have, it’s genuinely special. There’s this other chick who is a good friend of ours for awhile now, she’s fantastic, fun, open minded, loving, overall great personality. We have become best friends and talk non stop and hang out a lot just the two of us. The wife knows we are closer than they are, she’s supportive of it because they vibe well too and trusts the situation. Me and the other girl are affectionate but haven’t done anything sexual. We communicate ridiculously well and are on the same page about feeling our compatibility seems like something special, it’s too much to ignore. I truly want both of them to be mine equally, and I can’t shake the attraction. I know I shouldn’t take either relationship for granted and I feel like the luckiest person on earth to be in such a luxurious (equally difficult) situation, both are insanely beautiful, actually they look very similar. I have no control over it, dont have the ability to turn it off, I can’t fathom anyone else in my situation would be able to either. Help me lawd...

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