How to conquer the climb to legend?

Step 1: Eschew all personal responsibilities in favor of pouring over online meta-data for hours. Pick whatever Tempostorm says is best & dust your King Mukla, Nexus-Champion Saraad, and Golden Baron Geddon in order to craft the cards you need.

Step 2: Ignore the meowing of your hungry cat as you queue into your fortieth match of the afternoon.

Step 3: Keep telling yourself, "When I reach Legend, then I'll be enough. I'll finally have made it. The past year of spending hundreds on packs & hours on grinding Arena will have definitely been worth it."

Step 4: Now your children are crying. They haven't seen food in three days. It doesn't matter. Keep grinding up the imaginary ladder for reasons you can't articulate or understand.

Step 5: Once you're at rank 3, take a short break. It should be around the 20th of the month. Drink two bottles of wine, & one bottle of Pedialyte before sleeping.

Step 6: You're almost there. One more week of this. Only 94 more Pirate Warriors to go as you absentmindedly go into auto-pilot with drool dripping off your chin.

Step 7: You've done it! You don't feel any different, but you have a new cardback.

Step 8: Realize you spent 250 hours in one month playing Hearthstone.

Step 9: Realize it only takes 500 hours to become reasonably proficient in a new language.

Step 10: Anguish.

/r/hearthstone Thread