How to control Misophonia rage??

It's normal for people with misophonia to feel extremely angry, so don't feel bad about it. It's a disorder and you can't control the feeling of rage when you hear a certain sound.

Some things that may help...

-put in headphones while others are eating, or leave the room -try cognitive behavioural therapy, it can help you deal with managing your anger -know that everyone has their own list of what's gross to them, something that you do might disgust someone, and something they do may disgust you. Imagine being on the receiving end of your feeling. To emphasize with the lip smacker may help your anger decrease. They could just think the way they chew is normal, and would feel very hurt at the thought of someone being violently angry at them for doing something they perceive as natural. -Have an open and honest discussion with the people close to you that these sounds trigger a negative response in your body, and that it is not personal

Hope everything works out

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