How do you convince your girlfriend to break up with you so that she is the bad guy instead of you?


After reading the following comments I think you need to read these. I think if you tell her that you're beyond mad at her for not wanting to take practice in something outlawed and out of date, like her jumping into a fire to burn alive after you die -- I'm sure you won't have to make any hard decisions for her. I mean, what's the point of the WHOLE relationship if you just want her to burst into flame the second you keel over? That is not love. That a narcissistic pedestal you stand on in the 21st century, sir.

Sati Prevention Act 1987

Bengal Sati Regulation 1829

Prolonging the choice of your future happiness, because you don't want to deal with the realities of relationship fall out is such a passive move. Relationships aren't always just sex and rainbows, you gotta confront the hard stuff; Conversations, events, social pressures within your relationship to work. When you are in a relationship, you accept all the outcomes and emotions that are to come of it. By trying to manipulate your current girlfriend into her breaking up with you shows lack of responsibility and integrity and whole lotta problems with confrontation.

You're just going to have to feel that post-breakup madness because you are the one looking for the out here - not her. It will suck for a while, especially if you have the same friends and social circles but if you're not happy then why wait for someone else to come to terms, over who knows how long, with the end of a relationship. Your passiveness for the responsibility of this relationship is probably a big part of why your relationship isn't working out.

Good luck.

/r/AskReddit Thread