How to cope with being the disappointment child? (Long entry because I feel like Reddit is my only chance to vent)

You have what is called "sibling rivalry"

Anything that your sibling will do, you will paint in an extremely negative light (that's not to say your sibling is blameless).

And your sibling does the same to you. So you will upset them and then your sibling will upset you. And back. And forward. And back. And forward.

Obviously what both of you are overlooking, is the fact that it's unlikely there will be anyone that will be your life companion as long as your sibling. You'll likely have some form of contact until either of you two dies. And even then one will bury the other. That's what is expected from you.

So it's really sad what's going on. You should be helping each other along, but the opposite is happening.

Adult Sibling Rivalry

6 Steps for Dealing With Adult Sibling Rivalry

Again, you have it, as well as your sibling. This can't be fixed by you just you blaming them. I understand this is how you feel. This can only be fixed if you, your parents and your sibling start working on this.

How to Deal With Sibling Rivalry in Adult Children

Here are two books on this subject. Hopefully one day you'll either gift it to your sibling or you will buy a copy for yourself:

One of the reviews:

I enjoyed this book so much I bought another as a gift for someone. I truly wish I had found this book as a would have helped me understand 90 percent of my family members...maybe helped prevent a suicide that took place had we known how to deal with the issues that took place before the suicide

How to Cope:

  • Don't Take It Personally. Understand that your parent may not 'love' the other sibling more.
  • Find Support Elsewhere in Your Life. Find supportive people in your life to provide the love, acceptance, and approval you may not get from your parents as much as you'd like.
  • Don't Perpetuate Sibling Rivalry. Don't compete with your siblings
  • Accept the Reality of the Situation. You'll also feel better if you accept that you may not get as much support and approval from parents as you want, and that's okay.
  • Get Additional Support. If You Need It Given that there can be lasting negative effects of parental favoritism and sibling rivalry that last into adulthood if you feel significant stress from this situation and you feel you need extra support in managing this stress, don't be afraid to reach out to a professional. There are many qualified therapists who deal with family-of-origin issues like these, and they can help quite a bit with the stress.
/r/Advice Thread