How Cops Illegally Profile Methadone Patients

The two first stories are just plain sad and screwed up,that is IF they are based on confirmed facts, references or documents that prove the claim, which article didn't mention so we can't know if it's hearsay or truth. Second story is fucked up if that's what happened. But the first one bothers me on another level. When in court, if she truly was only on legaly prescribed methadone, she wouldn't get sentenced and the case wouldn't ever go forward in the first place. That's just not how it works. In my opinion, just an assumption, the interviewed individual simply looked high. Why she looked high when only methadone was found in her system? Because MMT patients very often buy extra dosages when go in to get their morning one, that would make you appear "fked up" and if driving could result in DUI. It's a popular thing to do to "double up". But like I said, nether the article, nor me or you know any of the facts, so all we can do is speculate.

Now as to this: " One study of methadone patients at 29 different locations in New York City reported that 40% of patients reported being stopped and frisked by police outside their clinic site and 70% reported witnessing police harassment of another person outside a methadone clinic."

That is true-ish. BUT those are stories, non confirmed situations.

That's just it. I was going to MMT in NYC for 3.7 years. And I can tell you for a fact, yes there are cops around all the time, why? Because 95% of people that "hang out" outfront of clinic, which Btw is not allowed, you have to leave as soon as you exist, and it's known fact that those hanging outside after exiting are buying or dealing drugs, they even deal drugs while you are in line for your dose.

I'm talking from personal experience and from knowing mostly everyone who went to my clinic. Everyone Sober came in and left, those who still dabbled, used or sold, would hang around the clinic for hours.

I'm not saying all people they bother are guilty, but I'm more than sure that they where by chance talking at the time of interference with someone who is. You just gotto be careful, if you do something illegal you can't just start screaming "harassment" when you get caught! And if you are in fact innocent, you wouldn't have anything to worry about and nothing for cops to find. And the story would go very differently.

I was greeted by cops a few times, but because I wasn't doing anything against the law or standing next to someone during drug deals - it never went passed the " hello, have a nice day miss"

It's a fact. Nothing wrong with it, people have a right to do what they want to do, but they also need to own up to consequences of actions that are illegal.

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