How could atheism be true of god exists?

So to answer your question. People who believe in God say they believe for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that they read the Christian Bible and that is the reason for believing. Another reason is that they have always believed because they were born in a family that also believes.

I was both born into a Christian family and I read the Bible. I believed for many years. But the more I read the Bible the more questions I had about the stories and morals and laws that were in the Bible. I didn't have any doubt in my mind that God wasn't real but I had questions. And when I asked these questions I found that the answers didn't satisfy my curiosity.

For example: Judas is said to have hung himself. But in another story Judas is said to have dropped dead in a field.

If the Bible is the inerrant word of God then both of those stories are true. But how can a person die from hanging himself. And also die in a field?

We know that there is only one Judas. But he died from two, fundamentally, different ways. One story is true and the other story is false.

But the Bible is absolutely true.

Or is it?

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