How could you roleplay a coward without messing with saves and stats and such?

• Give in to confrontations— the other person is always right in any arguments because you don't want to get into a fight.

• Don't look people in the eye— some people see this as aggressive behavior and you don't want to get into a fight.

• Come up with good comebacks long after a confrontation of any sort is over' never say anything during a confrontation except "I'm sorry.", "You're right." and the like.

• Accept being abused and rationalize how it's OK for them to treat you that poorly.

• Say you're sorry for everything. Everything.

• Routinely sacrifice your own goals, wants, needs, and desires to let everyone else have theirs fulfilled.

• Talk about people behind their back, mumble under your breath when you think no one can hear you.

• Lie and over-exaggerate about things to impress people.

• Hang out with weak-minded people; have a best friend who says "yes" to everything you want.

• Take the blame for everything.

• Make up excuses and reasons for doing things that you didn't do while you take the blame for everything.

• Cry a lot. Huddle into a little ball when possible.

• Never do anything alone— always have someone else there to lead whatever it is.

• Seek the approval of someone nearby when you ever do accomplish anything.

/r/DnD Thread