How to counter: 3 tank / 3 support

I know you've mentioned in a post below that you are in the master tier, and I also see many teams in master attempting this comp, mainly on attack but it works on defense too. There is one essential and must have thing this comp requires in order for it to work in comp/ ranked games. The key X-factor is an experienced and vocal "shot caller" whom actually has scrim/ competitive experience or has studied and analyzed many of the 3/3 gosu or other tornament vods. If you cover that base then it is easily executed, the timing of ults is not hard to combo at all, and even easier if you are that in the master+ tier.

Fortunately I have shot calling experience from a team and it was rather easy for me to win all the matches I played during this last session of games in MM ranked que with a Zarya main that is also in masters. One of the games were even played against Bromas and Toxiken (from team Dignatas), and their team didn't even come close to defending against us on Volsky. We posted a game where we had 4:xx mins left after winning the match, they mentioned how cancerous it was b/c they just finished losing to NIP this weekend playing vs this "cancer". The average MMR of both teams were in the 33XX MMR range where most of our team mates were 3000-3300MMR.

Disclaimer: This has worked for me, mainly because I believe I am a natural shot caller qualified enough to perform this at the current MMR I am sitting at, YMMV

Here are my points on this comp:

Must do's 1. Play the Lucio or Ana class if you shot call non-negociable, you need to be able to see the battle field from the rear to dictate and call the engagements and disengagements. You can get by with playing Zen, but I personally like to control the team with either the Nano usage or Lucio Speed boost. 2. Calling focus targets 3. understand how to position this comp when playing this (watch Gosu vods week #20 & lenovo Nip vs. Dignatas), it is really easy to learn 4. understand and communicate to your teammates which enemy hero ults the lucio/ zen defensive ults will counter 5. Learn how to shot call for tanks to take safe dmg for faster ana boost charging 6. Know choke points on various maps which require lucio speed boosting for engagement/ disengagement and shot call for this (very very very important) 7. If the map requires vertical, switch hog for monkey (more about comp options at the bottom of post) 8. use roadhog ult specifically to counter enemy team's Nano boosted reinhardt/reaper/nano target, unless the enemy have recently used their nano charge, then use your roadhog ult to crack their reinhardt shield during an offensive grav to wipe the enemy team. 9. Ana player must know how to effectively be in position in order to drop a nade on the grav'd targets.

Pros: 1. High amounts of Health with lots of HP/S to sustain with 3 supports 2. Lower "aim-to-kill", skill capp among team mates in terms of focusing enemy targets 3. Choke point maps are rarely an issue 4. great counter for long range poke comps due to high health pools and shield up front when 5. Can be modified to be either a dive/ pick comp (winston/ hog interchanging) 6. Bulky team fight comp that can't be easily dived on 7. two defensive ults for attacking engagements, and dealing with enemy hero attack ults. I.E - to deal with genji/reaper/76 dmg engagements 8. Most buff/debuff/utility cool down abilities a team comp can posses in the game I.E Discord for atk/def, Anas granade, shields, sleep darts, Hammer down etc etc. 9. Can deal with all type of comps 10. When capture points have been taken, the team on defense has a hard time getting stagger kills when trickling one-by-one back to point since the attacking team has high HP/S output on high HP tanks. 11. Lots of mobility for a tanky comp 12. still can deal with pharmercy effectively 13. Zone pressure comps don't damage the unit as effectively at choke points (I.E junk rat) 14. Great for all maps payload, hybrid and CP2. 15. Awesome for countering a mercy ressed team 16. If the enemy team doesn't play a 3/3 as well as yours, games tend to be short

Cons: 1. A must, must, must have - highly skilled Ana 65-70% accuracy on scoped and unscopped accuracy, and no, this does not include full hp target spamming on allies to up this statistic. How else will you pick Pharmercy? (Pharah Mercy combo). 2. A MUST!!! ONE experienced support player shot caller. 3. Team must be all in voice comms.... if you aren't in voice comms in competitive, you aren't really competitive lets be honest. 4. Players playing the support heros must be exceptional supp players and understand the abilities and when they must be used. 5. Team must not have egos and give in to a one shot caller setup. "I say jump, you jump" - support player 2016 6. Zen player must be a good shot caller in terms of focus fire targets 7. Lucio needs to be knowledgeable on when to use amp on Heal/ Speed. Great lucio players are undervalued, its not the easiest class to play in terms of being effective in terms of engagement/ disengagement. 8. Once nano gets nerfed Geeegeee :X 9. Please do not try this on KOTH, this is a game mode centralized around one point that acts almost like a TDM where hitscan and other heros with high DPS still reign, (high mobility imo). 10. MMR levels below 3000 "MAY" have difficulty using this comp due to the lack of experience, and simply time invested playing this game to understand the general structure and combat flow. (I.E - we are 3 vs. 6, just die on cart pls, reset quick and come back as 6).

Extras: 1. Flexible as a battering blitz comp 4/2, yes 4 tanks 2 supports. I.E) Winston/Rein/ Hog/Zarya/Lucio/Ana 2. Flexible as a mobile dive comp requiring vertical access. I.E) Winston/Rein/Zarya/Lucio/Ana/Genji 3. Flexible for capture point comps like volsky I.E) Winston or Hog /Rein/Zarya/Lucio/Ana/Genji or tracer or reaper

Here is a screen capture of my stats from the play session, all my matches were played with the 3/3 or interchanged with the "extra flexible comps", I've noted above - note the right hand comp activity column for the record. Ana stats were rather crappy too since all the games were relatively short when running this comp :X

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