How to counter slardar naix draft opener with abbadon follow up?

Not rhasta. Too easily destroyed. He provides push but SF and LS destroy the wards at a reasonable pace, esp since ls is magic immune.

Shaman wants to shackle someone from the side and so his only target is SF. Which means he has to time it such that Abbadon has used his aphotic shield and its on CD. This is really complicated and i dont think its worth the pick. You push with sniper is sufficient and you dont really need wards to push more. Hell, mirana clears waves anyway so why bother?

Anyway, safelane mirana is something im not a fan of because doesnt need the protection nor does she really benefit from the safelane farm. Nowadays, safelane carries are under more threats and tend to get less farm than the offlaner but have the benefit of better creep control. Compared to a Lifestealer who can walk up to the offlaner, slap him a few times, and pull the wave on his own. You cant contest him without taking a lot of damage. With mirana, thats not really the case since she has to commit a very large chunk of mana to punish contests.

I would say if its a comfort pick, youd run it in an aggro trilane. A lich mirana dual bot woudlve destroyed anyone trying to farm as the risk of a kill is too damn high.

Anyway, ww is a very good idea and i did not consider it because i just dont like the hero in general (personal taste ). It saves and since there are 3 melee heros, you can easily have them kill the slardar since theyll be grouped up.

One more thing: only rely on force saves if the followup is breakable. What i mean by this is that there is a window in between the enemy's initiation and the followup damage. This is because if youre trying to save your frontliner, he will probably be facing the other direction so you need that brief moment to turn him.

I believe a game you can see this happen is IG v OG upper bracket final game 1. When ana alch is sieging high ground, they constantly swap him out and force him because notail can break lasso with swap and nyx stuns, creating that window. If venge did not exist, force saves would be meaningless when the carry is stunned. Same thing applies here: if someone gets stunned like with a Slardar crush or Rubick lift, you cant force them. Sure you can kite Lifestealer to an extent but there will be a Slardar looking for multiman crushes every 12 seconds with 2 seconds of stun and 2 seconds of followup slow.

I dont like the force staff idea. While i see your reasoning for it, it doesnt feel right to me.

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