How dare they not stand up to armed protesters and thereby potentially escalate the situation!

Lmfao seriously. All you fake ass virtue signalers of freedumb and liburty. The Boogaloos are authoritarians. You lie and say you are Libertarian when you are not. Boogaloo is a movement based on a racist Neo Nazi meme. It is the fascist creep. Authoritarian ideals dressed up as Libertarian ideas. Grow the fuck up and join antifa instead of Boogaloo.

You cry like a little bitch and say you are the victim of a media that picks on Boogaloo. You want to play the virtuous victim.

"Fascist creep" occurs when the right wing deploys corrupted versions of left-wing concepts like solidarity.

Fascists steal left wing concepts such as free speech to hide their authoritarian nature.

Hitler promised to protect peoples freedoms from Communists and Jews who would take away their guns and free speech.

This book is proof. The Nazis interviewed think they had more personal Libertarian under Hitler than under the Weimar Republic and

You would take over our democratically elected government and replace it with one man rule.

The current government and system suck, but it would be much worse with boogaloos and Proud Boys running shit. You would say shit like "we have no rulers",, but then when chaos breaks out, you will cry for a "strong leader". Small government of just one guy. He does all the governing because people are too weak and stupid to govern themselves.

Your rule would be even shittier and authoritarian than the status quo. Your paradise is where everyone has fucking guns pointed at each other. Coward..

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