How Do I Date?

I feel you bro

First thing you need to date is to be attractive. You also need to know the specifics of how you're supposed to do things, since people expects you to follow certain rules, but let's focus on the main thing for now:

Both personality and looks matter. In terms of personality, just socialize a lot and do your best to be confident. If you put yourself out there over and over you'll learn social skills. Being confident and doing well socially will make you attractive. There's no other way as a man, there's no "getting a girlfriend who will help you out", as a man you need to have your shit straight in the first place.

As to looks, they're not fully determined by genetics as people seems to think. If you eat well and sleep well it can really help. Also exercise, this one is overrated but also matters. And a huge life skill: take care of your skin. It's underrated among men, but to say it pays off massively is an understatement. Check out /r/skincareaddiction

/r/RBNLifeSkills Thread