How to deal with a break/break up

I'm sorry, love. Anyway, here's my advice coming from someone who's been through heartbreak once and is currently through the second round:

  • block on all social media and block his number, if he tries to contact you any other way ignore it, engaging with it will make you feel like shit & has no point anyway in case of post-break-up situations
  • don't make sudden decisions like getting a new hair cut/colour!! but do get a manicure or similar (if you can currently afford it) to treat yourself
  • cry/bawl as much as you need to and n e v e r suppress it (unless you're in class, then excuse yourself to cry silently in the bathrooms and go back to class with dried eyes)
  • personally I like to believe that God is loving, forgiving and takes care of us all and sometimes letting us go through heartbreak is part of that; if you don't believe in God then maybe you'll find solace in the thought that some people are just not right for each other and it's better to find out now than two years from now
  • go to the gym or some other fitness kinda class, what helped me a lot was realising that even if I'm sad during it I'll still be doing something good for me and he has no influence on my life anymore so I need to ensure I take care of myself
  • speaking of that, make yourself a priority and do yourself a favour by tackling everything you've been putting off, for example
  • maybe you've been wondering how your life would be if you really lived up to your full potential, and tackling that in every aspect can be overwhelming, but you can start with small tasks like getting into the habit of having breakfast every day (if you're a breakfast-kinda person), starting to work on one personality trait of yourself that you might not be fond of, shutting electronics off an hour before sleeping etc. :) I've found that sometimes heartbreak makes it possible to commit to examples like these in a way you weren't able to before
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