how to deal with Brigitte? As a healer main it feels like she's just one more hero to make my life miserable.

They actually become more rampant. Master / gm players

so more than 50% smurfs in nearly 100% of my games? Are there actually any "real" accounts playing this game still on console?

Get good and learn what you're doing wrong.

I'm very well capable of seeing where I doing wrong but also where the teammates and/ or mechanics are "wrong". And as someone who's being playing all sort of games for 20 years now, there is are a lot of things wrong in OW.

When you learn to beat the Smurfs,

so it's perfectly reasonable that I would be required to beat actual diamond and above players in gold rank in order to not drop to silver?

Or just keep whining

"whining"? Really? I've been playing competitive FPS for 2 decades by now and in not one single game I ever felt the urge to complain about mechanics and the community that much like in OW.

Clearly, every game has flaws, but in OW it's like a there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm not saying I wouldn't do any mistakes or wrong plays, I do, I'm just human, everyone makes mistakes, but the vast amount of crap happening that is completely beyond my control has a lot more impact on my rank than both my good and bad plays combined.

Blizzard simply waited WAY too long to implement the reporting system and quite frankly, I don't think it has ANY effect on console in the first place...

Now we can avoid 2 players per week. What If I actually would need 2 avoids per game, to block the de-ranker smurfs that have 90-100% winrate on their Tracers and Genjis and 0-10% winrate on the heroes they are afking on? What about the legit 8% winrate instapick Reaper I did get teamed up for 6 games in a row a few days ago? Or the 12 games in a row with leavers/ quitters on my team? What about all those sounds bugs that are existing for months now? What about the bug that you cannot leave games after someone left despite the fact the game tells you it would be "save to leave"...and trust me I've lost hundreds of SR to this but never actually recognized it since I don't track SR really and was thinking that my eyes would have tricked me when I only gained less than 5 SR for a win or suddenly lost around 50 for a loss.

On console, nearly 100% of my matches have smurfs in them, often more than one, sometimes more than 50% and I even had games where I was the only one that wasn't a smurf.

Beside: It's fun how everything suddenly boils down to "it's just you, git gud" when it comes for things not working this otherwise heavily and massively team oriented game.

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