How do you deal with fatigue after work?

Everyone is different. But I remember when I first started working at a juice/coffee bar, the first couple of nights were draining. My entire body hurt. I had never worked like that in my life.

You can get used to it. You can learn how to do little things with your free time that will set you up for the rest of the day. Whether that’s changing your diet or making sure you get gas for your car now, not before work tomorrow morning. It’s usually a combination.

That feeling you’re getting about the decision you make when your shift is over, that is information. That feeling is your mind and body telling you it may be in your best interest to make some changes.

Then remember change doesn’t always happen overnight. Give yourself time. Catch yourself when you begin to judge yourself and give yourself space to not know what it is exactly you need to do right now in a given situation.

/r/productivity Thread