How do you deal with letting friends go?

You don't, it hurts--you harden your heart, you lose your humanity; life hurts. All these years later, I have jokes I know he'd like, he was the only one who got them, and think to myself how he'd respond, and play out little conversations. Back then, I told everyone, but him especially, that the song our group listened to for a while was fated for us too. It was only a matter of time, and in a way, the story in the song has already happened for our friendship, as it did for untold others. I think they said to stop being gay, or to tone down the crazy when everyone's trying to play WoW... but I saw it all fall away, long before it actually did. Luckily, the crazy is still in full effect, and there's always new people to freak out, if you allow yourself to be open, and possibly hurt: it's worth it.

Song, God-Damnit, Reddit

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread