How to deal with LL Female that treats sex as a chore?

My pleasure man. Like I said, I've been there before, and I know just how grueling it can be.

Take note of your responses -

1) From this point on, make it your mantra, your raison d'etre, to be the best you that you can possibly be - ALWAYS. No matter what. Woman or no woman by your side. This has to be THE driving force behind everything. This is the essence of self-respect (more on that at the bottom).

2) Then I think you know how this very well might end...

3) Well, if you devote a serious amount of attention to rebuilding yourself, your expectations will go UP as you will now be capable of snatching a higher quality mate. Not a bad deal, eh?

4) No no, you deflected it on to her, when you're missing that she cannot love you back or respect you the way that you desire because you yourself are not demonstrating that for yourself, especially by sticking it out in this draining situation. Sounds counter-intuitive, right? For her to respect me, I'd have to end it with her? Well, yes, more than likely, because let's face it - how's hanging in there and plowing through this rough patch working out for you? This sort of pattern, if left unchecked, will slowly emasculate you to the point where you'll be sitting down to pee and quickly turning around if someone walks in on you with your shirt off.

Somewhere in the recess of her mind, she's very likely thinking to herself "will he leave me if I don't put out? Pffftt, almost certainly not. I mean, I've gone now, what, two years of barely lifting a finger in that department, so I can reasonably conclude that I don't have to screw him tonight...or tomorrow...or the day after that...hmmm, well, maybe some time next weekend, yeah, I guess I can throw him some duty sex, but after that? Who cares!" In short, she's not afraid to lose you. Why? Because she doesn't respect you. Why? Because you don't respect yourself. Become tough as nails, value yourself enough to remove yourself from hopeless situations, and push hard toward your goals in life. In truth, you don't need a woman to do all of that, but oddly enough, chances are that you'll find that the more intensely you work at becoming the most valuable version of yourself, more and more women will line up to ride passenger in the voyage that is your life.

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