How do I deal with a manager who emphasizes my mistakes and disregards any achievements?

Yeah it’s tough dealing with bad managers. I’m in a bit of a different position at work... my manager considers me a high performer but has singled out 2 (maybe 3) people as low performers on my team. I’ve sort of lost respect for my boss due to this. Our previous manager was a lot more positive and encouraging. The current one is more straightforward with his disapproval and is more strict with the other people. Towards me he acts nice and respectful because he knows if I quit, the team would be screwed. It’s an odd situation but I feel bad for the people targeted as low performers. Do I agree with his assessment of them? Partially. They don’t do nearly as much development work as me and aren’t as aggressive seeking out opportunities. They still do a decent amount of work though, just a lot of the less flashy stuff that gets more attention. I don’t think my boss is as bad as OPs but definitely could be better.

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