How do you deal with sexual harassment?

I get this an awful lot as an attractive male nurse. Nobody at all takes it seriously for men or women in the hospital, but I have zero chance of empathy as a male. I had an elderly lady grab my arm a couple of days ago and make sexual remarks. Everyone laughed, except me who immediately cut the behavior off. Documented in chart. Its happened hundreds of times now. No one cares. At least this time it wasn't my ass.

My only recourse is personal strength, I figure. I will say it's not very threatening to my professional life - I do live in fear of a sexual harassment claim since people my "type" seem to be perceived to cause abuse, at least in this over sexualized unprofessional work scenario. I imagine that all in all I face less distress than women getting harassed in a similar environment as the situations are different. I wish you the best. I would stand up for yourself forcefully and out loud - others will stand by you to some degree. Don't hide or otherwise blame yourself, make yourself frown, anything like that.

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