how to deal with unresolved customer service?

Try to be as nice as possible to the lower level customer service representatives

how can I be nice when they won't do their job right and fuck up while not put any effort to correct it.

so long as they're not rude and they seem to be trying to accommodate you.

they were not rude, just didn't do the job correctly or didn't do it at all. Did not try to accommodate or correct the mistake.

They often don't have the power to do what you need and their only option is to refer you to management. If management won't help you, there is always someone higher up you can contact. Perhaps a corporate headquarters. Throughout the whole process be firm, but not rude. Unnecessary hostility likely won't help you.

I contacted corporate headquarters and their customer service line only responded with "I can leave ur number and they might get back to u but they can't do much but to speak with store manager".

It's been really pissing me off because even though I'm "angry" I'm still logical and calm in a way so ppl have dismissed me because I can come off as too nice and not aggressive enough.

I agree that car dealerships or any car related tend to be shady as fuck and I been scammed 3times. I believe large new dealership have resovled most of these issues. There are laws now that prevents from stealing.

man I don't know if I'm an easy target since I"m "aloof" looking customer or I'm taking this more personally than most ppl. Cause I have seen one guy who got screwed and he just said "ok" and walked out while I would have been furious.

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