How do you deal with Zed as immobile ADCs?

Then learn to fucking dodge his q's and flash his damage to avoid getting popped. That's what you can do. Guess what, Zed is designed to kill singled out adcs, that's his one job.

If you still aren't happy and want to know a sureproof way of not dying to zed ONE VS ONE as an AD CARRY : there isn't one

Because guess what, even assassins need to do their fucking job, and their job is dealing with ad carries. And now Zed can barely do that as he sits at a 46% winrate in plat+.

You people aren't actually "asking" what to do. It's just whining. Wahh wahh Zed is so broken guys!! wahh wahh, adcs are so weak and vulnerable! why can't i just overextend in a lane, get caught out by the enemy assassin and get away with it?

Picking an immobile assassins comes at a cost. You deal a lot of damage, but you are also vulnerable. Compensate the weakness by staying with your support and team. YOU are NOT a one man army. You are NOT supposed to duel anyone and anything. Learn the fucking limits of your role, and play accordingly. Want to duel assassins? Play vayne. Want to be safe from them? Play ezreal, corki, lucian, tristana. Want to dish out insane damage, be safe from assassins, and duel them?

You fucking can't.

Get over it, you whiny babies.

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