How did you feel after being ‘managed down’ by a covert narcissist? How did the subtle abuse affect your self-esteem and general wellbeing?

I left my narcissistic ex in late 2015 and I still struggle with self-esteem and 'imposter syndrome', where I don't believe I deserve the things I have (good job, good new relationship) and that eventually people will realise I'm horrible and take those things away.

After I got out of college, I got a better job than him. We both work in IT, so this seemed to bother him a lot, and he was always making underhanded comments insinuating I only got my job because I'm a woman, or because I come off as having a likable personality in a job interview. To this day I still question myself. I'm getting a friggin promotion and I'm loaded with anxiety about it because I worry everyone will be able to see how mediocre I am.

I know in my logical mind that it's irrational but when you go for years having everything you do, no matter how small, be corrected it slowly but completely erodes your self-confidence. One last story - once he told me I was wiping my ass wrong and suggested a better way. I couldn't even wipe my own ass right after 30 years. I stayed in that relationship for six years.

/r/narcissism Thread