How did YOU get into anime?

I caught glimpses of DBZ, One Piece, etc while staying up late as a kid, but I could never understand what I was seeing or tune in regularly enough to really get into them, so they never solidified in my mind. No, what got me in for real was watching Naruto and the gang fight Zabuza and Haku, and sitting there spellbound at how different it was from what I was used to, how intense and dark it got and how pretty the animation was. I watched semi-regularly (being an elementary schooler and bad at keeping airdate schedules in mind) up through the Chuunin Exams and the start of the village invasion, then stopped catching it for some reason I can't remember, and then grew more and more of a distaste for the show as I grew older.

And then, when I hadn't watched almost anything else for a few years and was in danger of falling off the medium altogether, Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt got me BACK in, and I've been a devoted weeb ever since.

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