How did you manage to become more productive and happier in life in general?

Deleting social media. I failed As and decided to retake after NS, but it was messing with my head when I watch my friends enter universities, enjoying orientation etc. The idea just popped up in my mind, I'm torturing myself. Just like eating excessively spicy food, I do not have to make myself suffer. The alternative is just not to use it, I do not have to spend any money or put in any effort to make the change besides my own fomo and (probable) addiction with scrolling through my feed.

I started with just temporarily deactivating accounts and deleting apps, but after a year, I'm sure I feel much better. I ended up deleting it permanently and never used them again. Sometimes, sometimes when girls ask to add me on social media, I feel like going back. Just a tiny bit.

Reddit doesn't really count to me though, since the slide app doesn't make karma easy to see, and I delete my account every 6 months to a year for privacy reasons.

/r/singapore Thread