How did you overcome the emotional/verbal abuse caused by your father (Daddy issues) I?

My dad is not abusive, but he is pretty opinionated at times and in my childhood I felt he was sometimes domineering. I got better at handling him as I got older and live away from him but it's been a learning curve... For example, I used to always take his call, no matter if I was at work or not, and he would get me riled up and then I'd be put off the rest of the day. I have decided to limit when I'll speak with him and not answer or return his calls until I'm in a space where I can freely talk so I can confront him when he says something ridiculous or upsetting.

Also, since being on anxiety meds, I've found dealing with confrontation has been easier in general, and that has translated into being able to call my dad out of his nonsense and not get emotional/cry.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread