How did psychedelics changed your life in a positive way?

I used to be a militant atheist. Like... I would actively judge others for believing in a magic sky wizard, and genuinely base my opinions on others based on how much they could see through all the lies of religion.

Then I had an intense LSD trip where I met God. Or The Collective Unconscious. Or the World Spirit. Or something.

I recognized the inherent unity and Oneness of everyone and everything everywhere.

Now, it's very possible that all of these are just feelings I had from chemicals altering my brain. But it still changed me. It opened me up to the possibility that there is more going on in this reality than just the strict interactions of mechanical physics.

With that possibility in my brain, I realized just how judgmental and hateful I was being towards others. I've re-examined all of the worlds religions, and peoples relationship to them... and come to understand the structure and comfort and community that people take from their faiths. And instead of hating it, I've come to understand and respect it. And I can feel all of those things while still recognizing the historical abuses or organized religious institutions.

10/10. Would have a spiritual awakening again.

/r/Psychonaut Thread