How did you react the first time an SO told you they loved you ?

I said something along the lines of "it's too late for that". I was 15 or 16 and felt what teenagers call love for about a year towards a boy who was a good friend. He and I finally got together for like a week before he hooked up with another girl (he was older, I was still a virgin, other girl offered sex-bam). And then he stopped talking to me from the shame.

A few months later we made peace and agreed to be friends again like we were before. It wasn't like before though, he kept making me little gifts and being too nice and looking at me with those googly eyes . One day, when he came back from a trip with a gift for me, I straight up asked him what's his deal. It was then that he said what I wanted to hear all those months earlier; "don't you get it? I love you. I'll always love you. Hurting you was the biggest mistake I ever made". Or something like it... and I said sorry, it's too late for that, I just want to be friends.

The funniest thing is that it lasted years later. When I was like 19 he came to visit my roommates and I (we were all friends as teens) and one drunken night he told me the same thing again. Go figure...

/r/AskWomen Thread