How did you start your hobby and what is it?

I picked up the guitar when I was about 7 but I didn't learn anything like chords or scales. My oldest brother had the guitar and he'd never let me touch it but I would grab it when he went to school. I'm 25 now and I just learned a few years ago my gramps wanted to teach me before I even touched it. I barely know any uncles or aunts but just knowing my grampa wanted to teach me something I love makes the guitar more special to me.

My mom took my little brother and I away from home to a city at a hospital where my gramps was. 3 hour drive and he was on his death bed, she said he wanted to see us one more time.

So now I still play it and think about him, even though I don't know his name. Some grandkid I am

/r/AskReddit Thread