How did/do you teach moderation with alcohol when you don't drink?

Ignore the person above you, the top comment is good advice. Of course there’s always the risk of these extremes, but if your kids are smart they will already be aware. This isn’t an issue that falls entirely to the parent, especially at your kids age. They will learn as they go, and as long as they have friends who aren’t entire alcoholic losers, then they’ll be able to learn from the people they’re with. They’ll learn how to handle a hangover, they’ll learn to eat before they drink, they’ll learn drinking until you puke isn’t a good time. They’ll learn a single glass of wine with dinner can be enough. They will have friends doing these things with them, that’s who they’ll be learning from. You can take a backseat and be the nagging mom checking in to make sure they were responsible the night before and had a ride home or place to crash.

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