How does consciousness become holistic?

The answer lies in neurobiology...there are many fascinating observations. Various processing times for each of the senses means that asynchronous signals are staged together as 'the present moment' (delay is usually some hundreds of milliseconds)... And there is a significant error tolerance level, while at the same time amazing precision. An example is being able to determine the position of a sound source in space through stereoscopic processing, or visually...depth perception. Staging seems to be in the hypothalamus. In that sense 'awareness of the present' is considered a form of memory.

As I see it, neural circuitry and signaling, supported by physiology, correlate to thought processes, or modes of thought. From the baby 'coming online' correlating experience with sensations, learning body coordination and sense perception... All the way to Wittgenstein and language games... It's all just a thick stack circuits, and subroutines built on firm (wet)ware.

Consciousness is not as singular or unified as it might be construed... The term itself is known to have at least a dozen meanings and uses.

/r/askphilosophy Thread