How does the consolidation of your finances work after marriage?

Okay ... yeah ... everyone does it differently.

But I'll say this, I seem to hear and read about issues a lot more from couples who keep finances separately.

My wife and I combined finances for the most part completely before we got married. It's really easy. Everyone puts their money into the same account, that pays the bills. Easy. We just let each other know about any purchase/shopping trip over $50 to make sure there are no surprises.

If one partner or the other seems to be using a lot more than what is fair (to go out or for hobbies or whatever) consider forming secondary accounts within the primary one with spending money for each, or do a weekly cash allowance.

If you need to buy a gift or whatever and want it to be a surprise, that could come out of the secondary account, but we use cash or get a pre-paid card ... or just say "Hey, don't look at the CC statement, okay?"

In my family, my wife stays on top of the budgeting, and I make sure all the auto-pay info stays up to date in all our accounts.

Some investment type accounts have to be separate by law, and some debts are better kept separate.

What you need to realize is that if you're married it's all half and half when push comes to shove (in a divorce, there's no "but he earns more" ... except to justify spousal support). You'll get old, and there's no saying who will die earlier, who will need expensive medical care etc.

The thought of figuring out who owes what relative to incomes and time at work and all that.... ugh, what a nightmare. just pile it all together. If you don't trust the person you love with your money, you need to find a new person to love.

/r/Marriage Thread