How does golf become more accessible?

You've gotta be deluded.

I was a pro baseball player, so I say this with some authority. You don't need any of that shit. Visit the Dominican Republic where kids are playing 7 days a week and a $5 ball is a luxury most of them can't afford.

You can make similar arguments for soccer ... most people like playing in nice gyms or a real soccer field

The local high school, real soccer field by me is free at night. They have pick-up games every night. And most soccer players don't live in the first world and absolutely do play on whatever field they have access to.

And come the fuck on with this,

My cousin is a college and club soccer coach, people who take soccer as seriously as a golfer who would drop $2,400 a year easily spend that much money on their equipment, lessons, nutrition, teams, travel etc.

Nutrition? Travel? Want to compare that equivalent to the country club golfer who also takes lessons and travels for his sport? And apparently spends extra on nutrition. You're talking $20k/yr, easy.

They play soccer in ghettos all over the world. They play basketball in ghettos all over the world. They play baseball in ghettos all over the world. Get off your retarded horse with this nonsense that golf is cheaper than those sports. I don't see too many kids from the ghetto making the PGA Tour. I wonder why that is? They're probably too busy saving money by playing Polo.

How can you guys argue that Golf is a cheaper sport than Soccer? That's mind bogglingly deluded.

I'm out. I can't argue something this stupid. The sky is blue. 3 is greater than 2. Murder is bad. Golf is a more expensive sport than soccer.

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