How does the saying go? You have lies, damned lies, and statistics. "in 2020 the majority of Trump voters were women and people of color. "

It is his concern because he was the president of the of the United states dumbass. It's his job to be responsible.

Oh so now he's being attacked because he mispronounced word as if that doesn't happen to everyone.

Because hes the president and it's ironic coming from him who mocked joe biden for studdering

You honestly think Trump is bad because he insults and speaks straight to the point.

So do mental patients. Doesnt make it okay.

Yea and I know the claim was wrong he received the highest number of votes yet won only 16%

No he didnt. He won 7 million less that joe Biden. Also land doesnt vote. Most of the counties that counted trump are like populations of less than 1,000 I garuntee it. People live in cities. It's not hard.

Also it was a political attack the same way Democrats pulled the Russia BS for years. Which isn't new

Oh people are politicizing this political issue? go figure!

in his speech clearly says peacefully.

"We are gonna walk down and I'll be there with you..."

Yea because that statistic doesn't take account the protests that turned into riots later on and has been criticised for it


The Capitol riot didn't cause millions in damage and deaths as BLM caused

No it just caused all the senators to relocate and 5 people to relocate. Think, there could have been dozens of senators who could have potentially died from this shit dude. Those are the people who run the country

Portland was burned, precincts destroyed, stores looted cause up to 2 billion dollars in property damage. In 140 cities all burned up and looted. Capitol wasn't even close to BLM.

So that means the capital is okay somehow?

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