How does the Jewish community feel about the Nazi antiques/relics/memorabilia?

It's the latter. I have a broad collection. Oldest items are from the 1800's, newest are from the 1950's or so. Most of the items are between the 1930's and 1950's though, solely because when I was younger, items from those eras were young enough to be relatively cheap and plentiful while still being old enough to be an antique and be interesting to me. As I got older and more serious about history, I focused in on WW2-era, but from all sides. Mostly items pertaining to ww2 aircraft since I like airplanes, but I also collected items from the axis powers, the allies, from the soldiers, from the refugees... Given the path my collecting took it seemed more weird to specifically exclude Nazis when they were clearly a part of WW2.

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