How does sexual and romantic attraction work for you?

I am usually attracted right away to people I date.

How do you identify whether you're attracted?

I look at them a lot. I want to touch them. I direct my jokes toward them in groups.

How much attraction do you "need" in order to enter a relationship?

Physically, I need to want to fuck them, and the desire has to continue after we've had sex a few times. But I require a lot more from their personality.

Have you thought you were being realistic only to later learn you were settling, or vice versa?

I am very against the idea of settling. I don't mind being alone and would prefer that to a relationship that doesn't make me happy almost all of the time. Plus, I think a genuinely good partner always wants to work together to fix things.

Do you have different requirements for relationships vs. hookups?

Definitely. All I require from a hookup is that they be attractive to me and we can have a decent conversation and they respect my boundaries. I require from a relationship that they be, essentially, the best person in my life.

Do you want attraction to be present from the start, or can it grow?

I find that any relationship I want to pursue, the person becomes more attractive to me over time, and vice versa. Not a good sign if you start to lose sexual interest 2 months in.

/r/AskWomen Thread