How does TRP explain happy feminist relationships that last?

You cannot comprehend the man in OP's relationship being happy despite being given next to no information about the couple.

Not with OP, no, with a timid country girl on a isolated farm, maybe. If you leave a guy and a girl to figure it out they will organically develop a more healthy relationship than the blue pill standard.

You realize even a high sexual drive doesn't simply mean you're ready to fuck 24/7

Being sexually available to fuck 24/7 has nothing to do with your sex drive, it's just about how hot you are for your partner. You can have a high sex drive and be single(a lot of chicks actually have a high sex drive because they are single, and once they get in a boring relationship they just dry out)

Denying something from someone isn't even close to the definition of manipulation.

Of course not, it's just a technique, and yes deniying something from someone that expects it or wants it is manipulation, from sales to raising children, not giving what they expect to receive is coercive.

You do not need sex and it's absolutely NOT reasonable to expect your SO to be sexually available on demand 24/7.

It;s not only reasonable, it's absolutely normal. You really should not be in a relationship if you are indifferent to the sex, especially at the beginning. And this is a major reason why the power balance is so in favor of women, sex has become optional for you, so you can dangle it as a bargaining chip.

Humans do not survive by satisfying their sexual urges and they more than have the ability to control them. Humans are not machines made for the service of others. It's completely justified and expected that humans would at least consider their own interests in addition to the interests of others. Altruism != absolute selflessness. I think it's simply respect for your SO as another human being that you acknowledge this.

Da fuck is this shit. To put it clear in terms your brain can get it. If I where in a relationship where my partner does not want me to fuck her eveytime I get a boner and logistics permit, I would be raping her. She reluctantly would have sex because it's been "some time since we did it" again, despite her continuous consent I would be raping her because she doesn't want me, she is just caving to psychological pressure. Therefore the only relationship that isn't rapey is the one based on mutual physical attraction. Attraction that isn't situational, opportunistic or negotiable but constant.

a philosophy that commodifies sex

women did it first, we just said, two can play that game.

I can't see myself not wanting to cuddle with someone that I like as a person, is attracted to, and have an close relationship with.

I agree, this also goes for sex. But while cuddling requires only emotional intimacy sex requires also sexual attraction and almost all blue pill relationships have a massive inbalance in that regard.

It doesn't conflict with my own interests and speaking generally it shouldn't.

sexual intimacy doesn't either when you have the hots for the guy.

I don't see emotional availability and cuddles as things I'm giving away.

Thank you, like almost everything in a relationship between 2 people that love one another, including sex, it isn't. You are not sacrificing anything of your own. We love making our partners happy. But with sex, you don't actually like him all the time, the sex itself and his look of adoration is not enough to make it worth it, so you make up bullshit to restrict demand, to have control and leverage with you get more bang for your buck when you do do it. This is why sluts are great, they are blatantly honest. If she doesn't want to fuck you she will say it, but nice girls, no you keep men on standby, to keep the sucker on the hook for intimacy, long efter you figured out you just aren't all that into him.

quite honestly offends me is that you think horniness is an equally good cause for me to "offer" sex,

No, love is the only reason we should have sex. That basic want to be intimate and cum with one another. Horniness is just a natural reflex to that desire. If you aren't hot for me, you don't like me all that much, we say thank yous and we go our separate ways in finding a partner that is more compatible with which we have more chemistry, no harm, no faul. Nobody wastes time or is gaslight into a unbalanced dynamic where the male gets scraps while the woman gets the full relationship experience. I really can't help it if this grown-up approach to relationships offends your sensibilities. Having emotional slaves you pay with the occasional lay is neither fair or emotionally healthy for either of you in the long term.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread