Do you know how dog-friend is iKEA? I must say a lot.

I can only speak to the USA... MANY people here abuse and flat out lie about the privilege of having a service animal. It's extremely reasonable not to allow pets into a furniture store, mall, restaurant. Etc. I'm a dog owner (2) and would never expect to be allowed to bring them into Macy's or Home Depot, nor would I want to see pets there. A bit ridiculous if you ask me. Pets defecate and mark on the floor. Those pillows you bought... wouldn't it be terrible if you get home and find they are pissed on by a poorly trained dog? Children are allowed. They are the most important people in the world, and they wear diapers and clothes. Imagine someone's cute pit bull freaks out and bites a child? Would IKEA be liable for that? Imagine being the parent of that child? Makes sense? I'm pretty sure 99% of reasonable people understand. The anger you see is a reflection of interacting with unreasonable abusers of our pet policy. It's not the pets fault, it's the people that are idiots, know what I mean?

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