How to download all files shared with X person (big list).

I love the one sentence response with no context, it combines not being productive at all with taking much more time to refute, but alright I'll bite.

As written you're right that it's technically not true - I could have said "across primary domains" and it would have been more accurate, because you can transfer ownership to other domains within a primary domain. There is also some fancy footwork you can do if something lives in Shared Drives and you're going from one paid G Suite organization to another. In this instance though we're working with a consumer Gmail account - there is no way to transfer ownership from a consumer Gmail to a paid G Suite primary domain in one step, and we have already pointed to the most common two workarounds: * Download everything from consumer Drive, upload to paid Drive, delete originals * Share everything from consumer Drive, make copies from paid Drive, delete originals

The only other exception I can think of is if the consumer Drive was using the corporate email address as an unmanaged account, but that would technically be using the same domain. If you have another process that would work here I would be very excited to learn it, as this is a common pain point for organizations that want to reduce shadow IT.

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