How effective is "voting with your money" when developers don't really appear to care?

Everyone has already made some really good points, I just want to chime in about how 'normies' approach these controversies over lootboxes and the like.

One of my best friends doesn't go on Reddit, doesn't watch IGN or anything like that, but still buys a decent amount of games each year.

I tell him that GT Sport isn't going to have a fulfilling single player or the old caRPG elements he likes. He buys it at launch then talks about it not being that good. Still plays it.

I tell him not to buy Battlefront 2, with ample reasoning. He buys it at launch then complains about the exact things I told him. Still plays it.

So on and so forth. His thought process literally doesn't extend past, "I used to like Gran Turismo so I'll buy it" or, "Star Wars is cool so I'll get it.". There's no worry or concern about long term effects on the industry, just a desire for immediate gratification via what they want the product to be.

It's just easy to get wrapped up in Reddit and YouTube and forget the vast majority of people couldn't give a shit less, even at the expense of their future selves.

/r/truegaming Thread