How do emotions play into the MBTI?

Ok so first of all I think a distinction has to be made between sensitivity and emotions. I think that without a doubt Feelers are generally more sensitive than thinkers( on average). This we should all agree on this.

So now if you are talking about the amount of "potential emotion" then I think theoretically thinkers can have just as much "emotion" as feelers. Just not nearly as sensitive( not nearly as often)

Now I think the main difference is the reason for the emotion. Mainly because Feelers 'feel' and Thinkers "think". Besides "infatuation"(love, which all humans experience similarity, which is affection for the other person).

Thinkers feel emotions differently then Feelers. Like for example a feeling that many feelers describe is that during movies and shows they may start crying because they were "emotionally touched" by something. ( now i'd have to make this more specific).

For example, a classic love movie "the notebook" or "the fault in our stars". These movies will make most feelers emotional. Thinkers not so much, in fact I highly doubt any thinker would feel anything close to being emotional when watching these movies.

/r/mbti Thread