How do you ever get over crushing someone's heart?

Speaking from experience, it's been over 4 months for me and I still have heavy bouts of feeling guilty (together for 2 years). But it comes in waves, and with time the waves have been farther apart. They might never stop, but like any other actions you've felt guilty about, they will eventually become just a memory with very minimal, or no real emotional impact. For now, your healing depends on how often you expose yourself to things that remind you of your guilt, whatever that may be, so distractions are key. You'll keep having bad days, some maybe worse than ones before too, but it gets better. And, most importantly, you have to learn from this experience as much as you can, to avoid getting into similar circumstances that will bring you down like this again (and the other person too). It can be stuff you learn about yourself, and signs you see in your future relationships (actions of others that signal how YOU were with your SO before you broke it off). It's the hardest thing to hurt someone you care about, trust me I know it all too well. There is a lot of pain that goes into telling someone that even if they love you like they do, you don't, and you end up deciding for them that they can't love you anymore, not like they used to anyway. But don't listen to people who say you can't care about someone if you broke their heart, that's utter bs. Accept that your decision, as painful as it was, will be better for both of you as life goes on. And again, be sure to try and learn from this and break any habit that will resurrect the same pattern. Sometimes we're lucky to witness it, and not be the victim. People around you who aren't in relationships, offer them to talk about your experience, as they might learn from it too! And talking about it in general always helps, it really does. PM me anytime homie, I'll be here!

/r/BreakUps Thread