How is everyone's long term memory?

OH SHIT YES OKITRAZ! I was a Marine turd. And I know lost in the woods. I grew up in Kansas City.

Couldn't agree more on treatment. Spent a month at Point Loma which was the Navy's rehab and it didnt do much. Got out, went to college, and fell right back into old habits. Went to private rehab which addressed a lot more of the underlying problems then reached a point where I didn't give a shit anymore. Wrecked my school career and now I work for glorious Taco Bell. But I know I did this to myself, I'm not complaining. A part of me thinks it's time for the Phoenix to rise from its ashes while the lurking demon keeps trying to suck me down. Climbing out of the muck is fucking hard. But inspiration helps. I'm not trying to get you to stop, I know which sub I'm in, only saying theres a glimmer of hope at the end of my tunnel and I know I'm not at the absolute end of my rope. If I can slightly turn this ship I might be able to avoid the ice berg.

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